My name is Alana Duvey and I produce, host and perform at ‘The Drag-Opticon Show’ here in the beautiful Britannia Panopticon Music Hall
It’s such a joy creating this show every month and always something our guest performers, our audiences and I really look forward to.
Part of what makes our show a little different from other drag shows in and around the city is the stunning setting that the Panopticon provides. You can tell the building was once a sight to behold back in the day and although it has been through a lot since its opening way back in the 1850s to the present day from fires to neglect I feel it is still a sight to behold even now. There’s just something about being able to see the charred remains etc. that I love so much. There’s a certain beauty in destruction. It’s certainly a far cry from the pubs and clubs of the usual drag shows with its lovely big stage providing us with a platform where we are able to bring performances to our audiences you wouldn’t see elsewhere.
I always feel it is such an honour to perform on the same stage as the many iconic stars of the Panopticon past and present from the original dancing girls and singers to Stan Laurel of ‘Laurel and Hardy’ fame to the likes of Tony Roper and local drag legend Sally Starshine. I like to think that my little event is now a part of Panopticon history and one day its stars will be mentioned in the same sentences as these amazing performers and the rest. I always get a special feeling in my heart whenever I’m performing here and imagine anyone else who is lucky enough to perform here also gets that same fuzzy feeling that I do.
Drag-Opticon I feel brings an idea that was once a regular feature of the Panopticon, men dressing up as women and giving it a modern day twist. We literally push what the venue is capable of to its limits with performers of all ages, sexualities and genders bringing new and exciting things to this classic art form every month, with a little bit of old school thrown in for good measure too of course. Drag-Opticon is an open and inclusive event showcasing the very best of the local drag artists. Drag-Opticon is full of the feel good factor with audiences just like our performers coming in all shapes, sizes and backgrounds feeling like they are part of a little community of friends and always leaving with a smile on their face and a spring in their step kick starting their weekend with a bang.
I urge anyone who has never been to the Panopticon to come along and check out this amazing hidden gem right in the heart of Glasgow’s city centre when it’s open for visitors to come and have a look around during the day. I also particularly recommend catching a Drag-Opticon show if you’ve never seen one or been to a drag show before. I believe you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how entertained you were and will be itching to come back for more! Be sure to get your tickets at www.universe.com